Time Series with NLP Stock Prediction
Can we use Elon’s Tweets to make a better Multivariate Time Series Model?
- scipy
- statsmodel
- plotly
- pandas_datareader
- seaborn
- streamlit
- wordcloud
- bs4
- bokeh
- gensim
- huggingface
- ktrain
- pytorch
- tensorflow
How Data was collected
- Data was collected using pandas_datareader for financial data and GetOldTweets3 for twitter data
- User handle was elonmusk and data collection period was Dec 1, 2011 to July 31, 2020
- Running a non-parametric test between no-tweets, personal-tweets and business tweets showed a price difference in closing price between the 3
Text Classification
- More traditional Classification models were first experimented with before moving to transformer architecture.
- They had very low f1-score the best being logistic regression at 0.62
- Using BERT and DistilBERT f1-score was around 0.80
- Used DistilBERT because the model was much smaller and would be much easier to launch as a webapp
Time Series Models
- I tried again to use sklearn models before turning to neural networks.
- I tried a xgboost and randomforest however because of the structure and how volatile Tesla stock price was these algorithms probably wouldn’t be suitable
- I also tried using ARIMA but usually that is only for univariate time series models.
- GRU gave the best results.
- I changed some of the structure in GRU below which gave a slightly better prediction.
- Changing the recurrent activation and activation
Out of sample data
- Doing a 0.90 Train, 0.1 Test I felt did not give me much data to work with
- I further used August 1, 2020 to August 13th, 2020 as a validation set
- Below are the results and it made a huge miss on August 12th, 2020 the announcement of the stock split.
What to improve on
- Use 8-k data from SEC. Scrape it and analyze the text
- Use prominent business tweeters instead of Elon as they talk more about the business of Tesla
Instead of classifying as type and sentiment separate them in bins of gains and losses based on the text.
- More information and details on the write up can be found in the webapp. Github link also below: