MHXX and Anime GANS
Generative Adversarial Networks Improving the creation Pipeline
- Concept design can take time. The goal of this project is to see if we can make the creative process more efficient.
Compute Requirements
- GPU Nvidia Requirements
- Nvidia GPU 11 gb and above
- tensorflow-gpu 1.1.5
- cuda 10.0
- cuDNN 7.5
- tensorRT 5.6.5
Data Augmentation
- Libraries
- numpy
- os
- cv2
- glob
- pandas
- scipy
- imageio
- keras
- augmentor
- fastai
Anime faces and MHXX armor images were collected.
- The anime face data set was collected on kaggle and had 85000 images
- MHXX was collected from a fan website and had 1083 images
To increase the size of the MHXX armor data set we had to do the following
- Split the double images and put back the single images
- Get rid of only top half images
- Mirrored the Images
- Did random sampling of brightness and dimness of 0.7 to 1.2
- The data increased to 19437 and then used photoshop to inrease resolution
- Used augmentor to turn them to 512 x 512 dimensions
- Use fastai to check if it can pass through Nvidia’s
- Changed to tfrecords.
Feature Map Exploration
- Libraries
- keras.applications.vgg16
- keras.preprocessing.image
- matplotlib
- numpy
We used a model in keras vgg16 which is a convolutional neural network.
Wanted to see the activation map of one of our images.
- Further from input the less detail
Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Libraries
- numpy
- os
- glob
- imageio
- time
- keras
- matplotlib
DCGAN was a quick way to visualize our image datasets.
Uses convolutional layers. Conv2DTanspose for Generator, Conv2D for Discriminator
Used original learning rate from paper.
Ran it for 2000 steps
- 20000 Training Steps
- Generator Loss, Discriminator Fake Loss, Discriminator Real Loss
Frechet Inception Distance
- Libraries
- numpy
- scipy
- keras
- skimage.transform
- imblearn
- Looks at the normal distribution of real images vs fake images. The lower number the better.
Style GAN
- Libraries
- numpy
- tensorflow
- dnnlib
- config
- train
- training
- copy
- metrics
- First trained the anime face model using the preset hyperparameters.
- Stopped at 7 days of training.
Tried to train from scratch to see if I could get similar results with the armor images
Mode collapse from mainly b/c too small of a dataset
Used Transfer Learning with pickled model with anime faces
Halved learning rate and decreased mini batch repeat to 1
- End Result using interpolation
Image Generator and MP4 creation
- Libraries
- glob
- numpy
- moviepy
- os
- dnnlib
- pickle
- Full write up, blog post and github link can be found below.